Morning of 9th of February, students of Grades 3,4 & 5 were fired up to set off for the four day camp to YMCA camp at Nilshi.
After a 5 hour journey we were still high on energy!!!!
We met Andre sir, who explained us the about the do's and don'ts of being safe.
As soon as we settled in, off we went to play 'Patax'. Through this game we learnt to be quick.....alert and work as a team.
Our well mannered students went wild with the 'Wild berries.'
Race to the trampoline.......
Trampoline time....
Next, our campers got a lesson on how to tie knots that help when trekking outside.
Just before dinner, we decided to go for a night trek out on the camp site.
Exhausted but full of zest, we retired to our cabin for a well deserved rest.
The next morning, Eduites were given a mission to 'Save the World.'
Watch the young archers in action -
After a session of archery off we headed to the lake to cool off. We did some rafting and then took a dip in the lake.
At night, we set up the barbecue and roasted some corn and marshmallows.
End of day two
As the sun for the 3rd day rose, our Eduietes rose for an early morning trek.
The trek couldn't take the steam out of us. We were all ready to try our hands at rock climbing and some tent pitching.
It was time to put out culinary skills to test.
We played a game of shapes. This simple game of shapes helped us shape our visual thinking, abstract thinking, team building and the most important of all our PATIENCE levels.
Next we played a game - "Minefiled"
This game helped us focus on our listening and speaking skills. The most important thing it taught us was trusting our team members and their directions.
Our last night, was as eventful and fun as all the other times. We had a campfire around which we played, danced, sang and mimicked our teachers.
We lit 'wish lanterns' and am sure most of us wished the camp would not end here!!!!!
Before we started our return journey we packed and returned all the things lent to us.
Peeling garlic for the barbecue
Washing our own plates and spoons

As all good things come to end, it was time for us to come back home.
On the way back.....
A big Thank you to Ms.. Cecilia and Ms. Disha for helping capture these lovely moments.
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