Making Conclusions
We took a gallery walk around and looked at different conflict situations. We tried to understand what the conflict was and what could be the reasons for those conflicts to arise.
As we were now familiar with different reasons conflicts arose, we set out to now understand how we can resolve these conflicts. We learned the strategy of STATA.
Stop and think
Talk about feelings
Ask questions
Team up for solutions
Act on the agreed solution
We took up the task of creating posters to show our understanding of the steps to take while resolving conflicts.
Summative time
One of our summative task was to maintain a conflict journal. In that we wrote about a conflict we had faced and how we resolved it.
We took a gallery walk around and looked at different conflict situations. We tried to understand what the conflict was and what could be the reasons for those conflicts to arise.
As we were now familiar with different reasons conflicts arose, we set out to now understand how we can resolve these conflicts. We learned the strategy of STATA.
Stop and think
Talk about feelings
Ask questions
Team up for solutions
Act on the agreed solution
We took up the task of creating posters to show our understanding of the steps to take while resolving conflicts.
Summative time
One of our summative task was to maintain a conflict journal. In that we wrote about a conflict we had faced and how we resolved it.
As a sum up of the unit, we were given different conflict situations and were asked to resolve them by using STATA. We had to present the same through a role play.
A peek into one of the presentations -
A peek into one of the presentations -
Action time
We decided to put up the poster we had made around the school to spread awareness of what steps to follow when in a conflict.
In Language, we continued to work on adding details to our personal narrative.
We read one of the books from the Elephant and Piggie series by Mo Willems to understand how dialogues are written.
We moved on to explore how we can show what the characters are feeling instead of just saying. We made a chart where we brainstormed the different things people say and do while feeling different emotions. This helped us understand how we can make the readers feel what the characters are feeling.
Further we explored how how to use interesting and exciting words when you are telling what a character says. We learnt this through learning the synonyms for common words.
Describing the settings using our senses is another way we learnt to add details in our narrative.
Writing strong endings is as important as is to a good beginning is something we understand through the story - 'Too many Tamales'. Finally we were ready to publish our final draft of our personal narratives
We moved on to explore how we can show what the characters are feeling instead of just saying. We made a chart where we brainstormed the different things people say and do while feeling different emotions. This helped us understand how we can make the readers feel what the characters are feeling.
Further we explored how how to use interesting and exciting words when you are telling what a character says. We learnt this through learning the synonyms for common words.
Describing the settings using our senses is another way we learnt to add details in our narrative.
Writing strong endings is as important as is to a good beginning is something we understand through the story - 'Too many Tamales'. Finally we were ready to publish our final draft of our personal narratives
Sharing the Planet
We began our second Unit of Inquiry under the theme Sharing the Planet.
Tuning in
Day 1
To assess the prior knowledge of the students they were given a mix of different pictures of animals and were asked to sort them into groups. They were also asked to give heading to each group.
Day 2
We took a gallery walk and observed the pictures that were placed around. After we had had some time to observe and think we went around writing our thoughts, questions, facts we knew or what caught our attention.
Day 3
We set out into the open to see if we could spot any creatures around. To our surprise we actually found quite a few.
Day 4
We were given puzzle pieces of different creatures and were set off to find our matches. Taking our experience of previous days of spotting creatures in their habitats, we thought about where we would find the creature from the puzzle. Through this activity and discussion we unfolded our unit theme - Sharing the Planet
Day 5
We got a few jumbled words and were given the task of putting it together in a statement. We managed to unfold the words into our central idea.
We began our inquiry into our unit with a KWL chart. Brainstorming and noting what all we knew and wanted to know about creatures.
Looking at all the questions we began to ponder where we can gather all these answers from. We decided to use google to help us get the answers.

Common Sense Media
Before we got on the internet we first learnt the 3 basic rules of using a computer through the lesson on Going places safely
Once we were familiar with the 3 rules we moved on to understanding how to use the alphabet to research online.
A-B-C searching
Common Sense Media
Before we got on the internet we first learnt the 3 basic rules of using a computer through the lesson on Going places safely
Once we were familiar with the 3 rules we moved on to understanding how to use the alphabet to research online.
A-B-C searching
We slowly moved on to searching for images using google image. We looked for pictures of our creature, what they ate and where they were found. We learnt how to save these
pictures on the desktop.
Using the pictures we collected, we learnt to make a collage using photo collage
Stay tuned to see how we use this collage later.....
As we got more confident with using the internet, we started searching the web for information related to our creature. We read and wrote down facts that were interesting about our tiny creatures.
See how we sort the information to create our very own fiction books on tiny creatures in the coming weeks.
As this unit is going to be all about researching and finding facts and information using the internet and encyclopedias. In language we are going to look at what are fiction books.
We began by sorting books into fiction and non fiction.
Through this activity we assessed the prior knowledge of the students. We reflected on our activity and thought back on what made us categorize the book as fiction or non fiction.
We looked at different fiction books to see how they were different from a non fiction book. We used our knowledge to create a chart of non fiction features.

Post that we set out to brainstorm some of the topics that we find non fiction books on.
Choosing one topic from our brainstormed list we began our research on the chosen topic
We looked at the facts we had collected and clubbed the ones that went together in a group and gave it a heading
Stay with us on our journey of exploring fiction books
Using the 100 chart to learn the different strategies to add faster and quickly
Exploring the same using an open number line

Understanding the regrouping more better using manipulative

Using BUILD to strengthen and practice the concept
Moving on to understand subtraction with regrouping
We began by sorting books into fiction and non fiction.
Through this activity we assessed the prior knowledge of the students. We reflected on our activity and thought back on what made us categorize the book as fiction or non fiction.
We looked at different fiction books to see how they were different from a non fiction book. We used our knowledge to create a chart of non fiction features.
Post that we set out to brainstorm some of the topics that we find non fiction books on.
Choosing one topic from our brainstormed list we began our research on the chosen topic
We looked at the facts we had collected and clubbed the ones that went together in a group and gave it a heading
Stay with us on our journey of exploring fiction books
Working with numbers to understand number bonds
Estimating and understanding placement of numbers using the ganit maala
Moving on to explore addition with regroupingUsing the 100 chart to learn the different strategies to add faster and quickly
Exploring the same using an open number line
Understanding the regrouping more better using manipulative
Using BUILD to strengthen and practice the concept
Moving on to understand subtraction with regrouping
We have been working hard putting together our digital portfolio. We have been reflecting and jotting down our thoughts on where we have exceled and where we can become more better. We put together the activites we were proud of from our first UOI to share with our parents through our learning journal - Seesaw.
We have been working on understanding the different learner profiles through various stories. We came up with our own list of behaviouirs one can show to dispaly a particluar attribute.
Assembly time
We had our young friends from Skg put up an assembly. They shared with us the different changes that take place in living things.
The following week was an assembly put on by the youngest members of our PYP community. Our friends from nursery, Jkg and playgroup shared with us their learning.