We reflected back on the learning on our field trips through a Venn diagram.
We moved on to researching about the different processes the food products go through before it reaches our tables.
Post our research we moved on to planning and preparing how we would present our information to our friends.
Presentation time
A peek into one of the presentations -
Once familiarized with the process food takes it was not time to learn more about the people who make it possible to get the food to our tables. We learnt about the same through stories, presentations and different activities.
Farm to Field
Our plants from Fly Over Farms were finally grown.
We went through the whole process of harvesting.... washing.....chopping....seasoning......eating the salad.
Summative time
For our summative task we had to choose a raw material and a finished product. Once we did that we had to identify the processes and journeys it took before it reached us. We pretended to be the people who play a major role in the food production process.
We have also been working on creating our own board game. Inspired from the game of Pictionary we created our very own game - Food Draw
The game is based on our central idea - The food we eat goes through many process and journeys before it reaches our table.
Planning.....discussing the game
Putting together the game.....
Using some of our measurement skills to help us organise our game cards
Instructions ready to be printed ........

Instructions ready to be printed ........
Yipeeeee......its ready to play
Glimpse into our journey of creating the game -
While working with weight in Math, we came across some homophones. So we took up learning more about what are homophones and their usage.

We began the week by understanding what is area and how we calculate the same.
Working on Khan Academy to understand the concept better
We made our name banners and then calculated the area it occupied.
We also worked on a project where we designed a farm for Mrs Brown. We also calculated the total cost it would incur to build the various fencing required for the farm.
We also worked on a project where we designed a farm for Mrs Brown. We also calculated the total cost it would incur to build the various fencing required for the farm.
Exploring weight
We began by reflecting on what we already knew
We took up an investigation to investigate -
How good are our senses at comparing the weights of the cubes?
Practice time
BUILD time
B - Play the measurement game
U - Roll the area and perimeter
I - Choose the best metric unit
L - My measurement book
Sharing our projects
Assembly time
We had a lot of fun solving the puzzles and listening to the stories read to us by the students of Grades 4 & 5 during our library assembly
Grade 4 invited us to their class and showed us a presentation and made us face the reality of the pollution levels in Mumbai. They encouraged us to sign a petition to take up the school bus to reduce pollution.
Grade 4 "Morning Cafe"

BUILD time
B - Play the measurement game
U - Roll the area and perimeter
I - Choose the best metric unit
L - My measurement book
D - Computer time
Sharing our projects
Hour of Code
Edubridge International school participated in the Hour of Code from Grade 3 above. Students, teachers and even parents sat and learnt how to code. It was a super experience and made us realized that coding can be so much fun and it is so EASYYYYYY!!
We had a lot of fun solving the puzzles and listening to the stories read to us by the students of Grades 4 & 5 during our library assembly
Grade 4 invited us to their class and showed us a presentation and made us face the reality of the pollution levels in Mumbai. They encouraged us to sign a petition to take up the school bus to reduce pollution.
Grade 4 "Morning Cafe"
Some fun moments in the class to bring on the Christmas celebrations
Directed drawing
We followed instructions to draw and paint Santa
Pinning a nose on the reindeer
The last day was even more special and full of surprises
Our day began with a personalized card form our teachers and some cookies.
Movie time
As Christmas is all about sharing and caring we made some "Compliment Presents" for our friends. We created meaningful gifts for our friends complimenting them.
Flash mob by our teachers
Check out the Surprise here!!!!!
Magic time!!