Sunday, 31 May 2015

Stunning Art Exhibition!!!!

Last week we have been inquiring to understand the interdependence of body systems. We did this through a debate. Each one of us prepared our arguments in pairs to show that our system was the most important system. It was truly amazing to see how each body system was soooo important in the human body.

Preparing for the debate

Presenting their view points
None of us could convincingly prove that their system was indispensable. Finally this is what we concluded....take a look.

We had Mr Prabi and Ms Anjali come to our class and explain how and why is it important to take care of our body. It is our action that keeps our bodies fit and healthy.

We have also been busy  working on our human body journal as part of our final summative for this unit.

S.P.E.L.L. time

Math - Carroll diagrams
We began by thinking of different ways to sort a mix of numbers.

After we were exhausted with ideas we learnt a new way to sort - using the Carroll Diagram.

B.U.I.L.D. time

We had our Art exhibitions last week. Thank you to Ms. Delnaz for honing our art skills and showcasing our art work in such a splendid way.

Sunday, 17 May 2015


This week we finally completed our projects of the respiratory and circulatory systems.

It was fun learning how to make an animated video with photographs using the open shot video editor.

Take a look at my presentation here - 

On the other hand making a model of the lung was also very interesting.

My presentation can be seen here -

We shared our presentations and learning with our Grade 2 learning buddies.

This week we began to understand what is a debate.

So, why a debate? 
In addition to providing meaningful listening, speaking and writing practice, debate is also a highly effective for developing argumentation skills for persuasive speech and writing.

Stay tuned as we will take up the task of convincing the other team that our system
(the body system we are researching about) is the most important in the body.

In Math, we have been learning about Money. We began by looking at currencies from different countries and then we compared the US dollar to the Indian rupee.

We thought of ways to make the same amount using different combinations of notes and coins.

To make learning more realistic, we role payed ordering and taking orders in a restaurant.

Giving orders and taking orders

Calculating the bill with 10% tax

Paying our bill

    Calculating and giving back the change 

Thank you Jkg, Skg and grade 1 for inviting us to  the lovely musical assembly 


Sunday, 10 May 2015

Happy Mothers Day!!!

After learning about the skeletal system we set out to learn more about the body systems. This week we have been finding out more about the respiratory and circulatory system.

We began by researching about the systems using encyclopedias, books and the internet.

Once we understood the systems we began to work on our presentations through which we will be explaining our understanding.

Stay tuned for our presentations next week.

In Math, we have been learning to read the calendar.

B.U.I.L.D time

P.E. Integration

Taking our learning of the respiratory and circulatory system further in PE.

Last few PE classes we have been learning how to take our own heart rate. We had been doing many activities and have had ample opportunity to practice this skill a number of times.  We did this by using a simple and easy to calculate 6 second formula. Using a stop watch Prabi Sir would get us to count the number of heart beats in 6 seconds. When he would tell us to stop counting, all we had to do was to add a zero which gave us a rough number of beats per minute.

It was now time to use this skill to understand the circulatory system better.

We began by measuring the heart rate while in a rested state.

Measuring our heart rate after hoop jumping

Measuring our heart rate after cooling down

Calculating per minute heart rate

This exercise helped us make a connection between the heart pumping and our breathing.

 Over the past few weeks, Zeus one of our MYP student was training Grades 3-5 in football as part of his personal project. As part of his presentation we played a match against the 6th graders. It was a lot of fun . Thank you Zeus we enjoyed learning with you. We are definitely better footballers!!!!!

 We ended our week by celebrating one of the most important people in our lives. Our 'MOMS'.
As most rightly said,  "A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take."

We had a lot of fun in organising this celebration for our MOMS with our friends form grades 1 & 5


A small tribute to the lovely MOMS!!!!!

Thank you Ms. Cecilia for putting together these lovely videos. 

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Body systems and how they work!!

This week have began by looking at the different systems in our body. We looked at the digestive system and understood the process the food goes through from the time it goes into our mouth till the time it comes out as poop.

We researched about another one of the complex systems found in our body - The Skeletal system.
We looked through books and internet to find out more about the system.

Keeping our promise of recycling and reducing waste, we set out  to make our skeletal system of recycled paper.

 Step 1: We made the pulp from recycled paper.

Step 2: We added fevicol and mixed it up to make our pulp more sticky.

Step 3: We started molding our skeleton system .........bone by bone.

Step 4: Kept it out in the sun to dry 

Step 5: Painted our skeleton white

Our skeletal system was ready!!!!

We invited our Grade 2 friends to present to them what we had learnt about the skeletal system . 

We explained about how joints work too!!!!

In Math, we have been working on how to measure time, We began with looking at the different tools people use to measure or keep time.

We made our own analogue clock in the class and used it to learn how to tell time.

Using our understanding we took up a project of  noting the time on the clock at different times during the day. We matched up the digital time on our computer to the analogue time.

Stay tuned to see how we use our understanding of measuring time to understand our human body better!