The last two weeks have been very busy. We visited the BIS school library to see how they had organised their library as per the needs and requirements of their school. We learnt an interesting thing about the functioning of this school. This school is run and organised by the parents of the school!!!!

We compared the EIS and the BIS school library using a Venn diagram.
As part of our summative assignment for the on going unit we had to plan and organize a small celebration for the children of the Vatsalya foundation orphanage. We had to work as a team and share different responsibilities to plan , organize and arrange for all that would be needed to make it a success.
A small peak into our preparations -
Presenting their plan to Mick sir and Ms. Pramila for permission
As rightly said by Ernest Dimnet,' Children have to be educated but they have also to be left to educate themselves.'
Our Dance assembly. Thank you to Ms. Abigail for teaching us this lovely dance. This is one of the dances we performed for the children of the Vatsalya foundation.
In Language, we have been looking at alliteration in poems. We tried to write a few alliterations of our own too...
S.P.E.L.L. time
S.P.E.L.L. time
In Math, we had been working hard on completing out 3 D project. Seeing the 2 D shapes turn into 3 D shapes was quite intriguing.
A peek into the construction of our 3D dream town -
Along with all our other PYP friends we made a Christmas tree. It was a fabulous team effort !!!
As part of the Christmas celebrations we did face painting, made a pop up Christmas tree card, a spiral Christmas tree, and a hand print reindeer. It was a fun afternoon.