We began this week by brainstorming the different animals we knew. We then got on to the internet and searched the map to find out where some of these were majorly found.
We started researching and learning about the different adaptations that animals make in order to survive in their environment. We are finding it very intriguing to learn the different ways the animals are built in order to be able to live in their surroundings.
In Math, we are learning to interpret graphs and create bar graphs. We now know that a bar graph is a graph drawn using rectangular bars to show how large each value is. The bars can be horizontal or vertical.
To understand better how plants adapt we conducted a potato experiment. We placed a potato in a dark box with just a tiny hole in one corner. We want to find out of this potato will grow, die or adapt.
Stay tuned to find out the results of the experiment.
We went around to the grade 4 and 5 students to see what they thought would happen . We collected their opinions and made a tally chart. We used this data collected to make a bar graph.
Stay tuned to find out the results of the experiment.
We went around to the grade 4 and 5 students to see what they thought would happen . We collected their opinions and made a tally chart. We used this data collected to make a bar graph.

To celebrate Diwali, we worked hard to put together a small celebration for our helping staff without which our school days would not be as smooth and clean as there are. This is our way of saying a big THANK YOU to our entire helping staff for working way before we come and long after we are gone from school to make sure everything is organised for us, to have a lovely day at school.
Thank you Ms. Amanda for helping us put together this lovely sing and dance performance.
The second song was composed by us!!!
And last but not least, wishing everyone a safe and HAPPY DIWALI!!!!