I would like to thank the parents for making time to attend the PTSM. It was an eventful conference! Appreciate your continuous support.
This week we have been working on our summative task of designing our dream island project. We began by making a blue print of the same. Stay tuned to see the complete project.
This week we have been working on our summative task of designing our dream island project. We began by making a blue print of the same. Stay tuned to see the complete project.
In Math, we have been working on mastering the different strategies of addition and subtraction. We are learning to use the number line and 100 grid to help us calculate faster.
B.U.I.L.D. time
This week we had our class assembly. Along with our Grade 2 friends we shared our learning of the current UOI through music and movement, a presentation and a quiz. It was a lot of fun. We would like to thank Ms. Amanda to help us put the song in a rap and record it for us. We would also like to thank Durgesh Sir to help us with all the technical difficulties.
Reflections from our PYP friends
Here is a glimpse of our assembly.
Our presentation on Maharashtra.