Saturday, 27 September 2014

Our first PTSM of the year

I  would like to thank the parents for making time to attend the PTSM. It was an eventful conference! Appreciate your continuous support.

This week we have been working on our summative task of designing our dream island project. We began by making a blue print of the same. Stay tuned to see the complete project.

In Math, we have been working on  mastering the different strategies of addition and subtraction. We are learning to use the number line and 100 grid to help us calculate faster.

B.U.I.L.D. time

This week we had our class assembly. Along with our Grade 2 friends we shared our learning of the current UOI through music and movement, a presentation and a quiz. It was a lot of fun.  We would like to thank Ms. Amanda to help us put the song in a rap and record it for us. We would also like to thank Durgesh Sir to help us with all the technical difficulties.

Reflections from our PYP friends

Here is a glimpse of our assembly. 

Our presentation on Maharashtra.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Week 7

We began this week by reading the story 'A drop in the lake'. Through the book we learnt how we affect the environment and pollute the lakes, streams and rivers. The book inspired us to make a water filter using everyday things. We decided to make the water filter ourselves and see if it really worked.

We used an empty bottle.... cotton.....sand .... gravel and some dirty water to make out water filter. Click on the videos below to see how we made -

                                                           Did it work????? Click to find out.

This week, we had a sharing session with one of our ex students Siya Jain. She joined us from Singapore to share about the land forms and climate in Singapore. We shared all about Maharashtra and the land forms that we are blessed with. We realized that Singapore is hot all the time and it rains there through out the year as it is an island. Singapore does not have many land forms and most of the things there are man made. Thank you Siya for sharing with us all about Singapore and the climate there.

We opened our mystery jars this week to find words with the short 'a' sound in them. We said them aloud to understand the sound and then sorted them as per the sound the words made. The mystery jar is going to be teaching us different sounds, spelling patterns, sight words and new vocabulary each week. Wonder what is in there for next week??????

In Math, we are learning the concept of carrying over and borrowing (regrouping ) by using our understanding of place value. When adding two digit numbers, children will be looking at them and deciding if they can regroup ( or borrow) them for a ten.


B.U.I.L.D. time

In P.E. we are dancing away to stay fit. Watch out moves and grooves here......

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Going Further.....

We completed our salt map of Maharashtra. We were surprised to find out about the numerous rivers we have in Maharashtra, the forests...the hills....the mountain ranges..... the plateaus.....the water reservoirs.....beaches..... We truly are blessed with a range of land forms in our state.

We shared our learning with Grade 2 students and showed them how these land forms help us in our lives. Take a sneak peek through the final journey of our project -

We continued working on our land forms journal. We marked out the major lakes found in the world. We researched about how the land forms impact different settlements around them. Learning about how we are affecting these wonderful creations of God was an eye opener for us. 

In Math, we learnt about co ordinates. Once we understood that coordinates are set on values that show the exact location we moved on to understand what are latitudes and longitudes. We tried to find the exact location of few places.

This week we started our Math B.U.I.L.D. centres.

So what is B.U.I.L.D.

B = Buddy games 
(Pretty self explanatory)

U = Using manipulative
At this station we will be using math manipulative to work with . ( snap cubes., base ten blocks/cards, playing cards, counters, coins, dice etc)

I = Independent Math
We will work with math task cards or journal prompts at this station.

L = Learning about Numbers
At this station we are going to be working at strengthening our number sense and /or fact fluency. We will include math computer time here as well!.

D = Doing Math
At this station we will reinforce the current topic of Math that we are working on through a variety of activities.

In Language, we are learning about letter writing. We began with comparing two letters written by the same person. We discovered that the two letters were very different....the purpose ...the format...the language all were different. A small glimpse into what we discovered while we were comparing the two letters.

This week, Grade 5 put up an assembly sharing with us what they are learning in their class. They shared with us about affirmations. We are going to tell ourselves everyday - I am special..I am beautiful.....I can do everything. Thank you for such a positive message Grade 5 and Ms. Cecilia. We will surely try and implement this in our daily lives.

We have started the mystery word jar in our class too! Stay tuned till next week to know what its all about.